
Please verify that your system meets all the dependencies described in Server/Dependencies Dependencies

Right now we could just test Dycapo using Sqlite.

Adjust according to your needs. In particular, change the values of:


python syncdb 

We provide 3 registered users to test Dycapo functionalities:

All of them with password set to password.


Dycapo is designed and thought for using it with Apache2, and served with mod_wsgi. It uses rpc4django to handle XML-RPC requests and responses. Authentication is based on basic access authentication (on HTTP and HTTPS) Authentication is also handled by auth.wsgi file. Other authentication systems will not work, even the classical Django admin login. We highly recommend to use HTTPS instead of HTTP, because of the private information exchanged between Dycapo and the clients.

Please see docs/httpd.conf and docs/sites-enabled for some examples of basic Apache2 configuration for Dycapo.


To let rpc4django write its logs, modify mod_wsgi configuration (/etc/apache2/mods-available/wsgi.conf for Debian systems).

Locate the lines

#WSGIRestrictStdin Off #WSGIRestrictStdout Off #WSGIRestrictSignal Off 

And modify them in this way:

WSGIRestrictStdin On WSGIRestrictStdout On WSGIRestrictSignal On 


Change the lines

sys.path.append('/home/bodom_lx/Projects/') sys.path.append('/home/bodom_lx/Projects/dycapo') 

according to your Dycapo path


Change the lines

sys.path.append('/home/bodom_lx/Projects/') sys.path.append('/home/bodom_lx/Projects/dycapo') 

according to your Dycapo path